Degrees Employment Publications Talks Teaching Supervision

Elizabeth Cowper

Department of Linguistics
University of Toronto
100 St. George Street, #4073
Toronto, ON M5S 3G3
myfirstname dot mylastname at utoronto dot ca
Full CV available upon request


1976 Ph.D. (Linguistics) Brown University, Providence, R.I.
1974 A.M. (Linguistics) Brown University, Providence, R.I.
1972 B.A. (honours) French Language and Literature, McGill University, Montréal, Québec.
1971 Diplôme de Langue et Lettres Françaises, Faculté des Lettres, Université d’Aix-Marseille, France
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Academic Positions

2014- Professor Emeritus, Linguistics, University of Toronto
2004‑2014 Professor, Linguistics, University of Toronto
1981‑2004 Associate Professor, Linguistics, University of Toronto
1976‑1981 Assistant Professor, Linguistics, University of Toronto
1973‑1976 Teaching Assistant in Linguistics, Brown University
1974, 1975 (summer) Instructor of English as a Second Language, Brown University
1973 (summer) Instructor of French as a Second Language, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa.
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Major Administrative and Governance Positions

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Professional Affiliations and Activities



Areas of interest

Syntactic theory, the interaction of syntax and morphology, universal grammar, functional categories, morphosyntactic features, syntactic change, tense and aspect, the syntax and semantics of verbal and nominal inflection, distributed morphology

Research Grants

2023‑28 (coinvestigator with D. Siddiqi, B. Bjorkman, and D. C. Hall), SSHRC Insight Grant: “Feature interactions in complex paradigms: Competition and upstaging.” ($172,752.00)
2020‑22 (coinvestigator with D. Siddiqi, B. Bjorkman, and D. C. Hall), SSHRC Insight Development Grant: “What matters most: Feature competition and morphological upstaging in complex paradigms.” ($45,648.00)
2019‑22 SSHRC Aid to Scholarly Journals, Canadian Journal of Linguistics. ($88,200.00)
2015‑18 SSHRC Aid to Scholarly Journals, Canadian Journal of Linguistics. ($72,000.00)
1997‑00 (coinvestigator with D. Massam and A. Johns) SSHRC Standard Research Grant: “A cross-linguistic study of verbal systems.” ($84,000.00)
1994‑97 (collaborator with R. Smyth), SSHRC Standard Research Grant #410-94-1638: “Acquisition and processing of anaphora, control and agreement.” ($72,000.00)
1994‑97 (coinvestigator with D. Massam), SSHRC Standard Research Grant #410-94-1093: “Grammatical morphemes: Their function and effect.” ($79,000.00)
1991‑94 (with D. Massam) SSHRC Standard Research Grant: “Conceptual structure and its role in syntax.” ($170,498.00)
1989‑90 SSHRCC Grant-In Aid, University of Toronto: “The syntax and semantics of auxiliary verbs in Bengali.” ($525.00)
1989‑91 (with D. Massam) SSHRCC Standard Research Grant: “Thematic relations in the lexicon and in syntax.” ($52,878.00)
1984‑85 (with K. Rice) University of Toronto grant for research into the grammar of Mende.
1981‑82 (with K. Rice, J.K. Chambers and C. Yorio) University of Toronto grant to support the activities of the Toronto Working Group on Language Universals.
1980‑81 (with K. Rice) University of Toronto grant to support the activities of the Toronto Working Group on Language Universals.
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Refereed Publications

2022 Cowper, E., and D. C. Hall. Morphosemantic features in Universal Grammar: What we can learn from Marshallese pronouns and demonstratives. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 67(3): 242‑266.
2021 Cowper, E., and V. DeCaen. A unified account of the Infinitive Absolute in Biblical Hebrew. In Linguistic studies on Biblical Hebrew, ed. R. D. Holmstedt, 103‑124. Leiden: Brill.
2021 Cowper, E., D. C. Hall, B. Bjorkman, R. Tollan, and N. Banerjee. Investigating the past of the futurate present. in Syntactic features and the limits of syntactic change, ed. Þórhallur Eyþórsson and Jóhannes Gísli Jónsson, 210‑237. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2020 Konnelly, L., and E. Cowper. Gender diversity and morphosyntax: An account of singular they. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 5(1), 40.
2019 Cowper, E., B. Bjorkman, D. C. Hall, R. Tollan, and N. Banerjee. Illusions of transitive expletives in Middle English. Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 22(3): 211‑246.
2019 Bjorkman, B., E. Cowper, D. C. Hall, and A. Peters. Person and deixis in Heiltsuk pronouns. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 64(4): 574‑591.
2019 Cowper, E., and D. C. Hall. Scope variation in contrastive hierarchies of morphosyntactic features. In Variable properties in language: Their nature and acquisition, ed. D. W. Lightfoot and J. Havenhill: 27‑41. Washington: Georgetown University Press.
2017 Cowper, E., and V. DeCaen. Biblical Hebrew: A formal perspective on the left periphery. Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics 38: 33 pp.
2017 Cowper, E., and D. C. Hall. The rise of contrastive modality in English. Linguistic Variation 17(1): 67‑96.
2016 Cowper, E. Affected-topic have: An applicative account. Linguistica Atlantica 35(1): 1‑22.
2016 Cowper, E. Finiteness and Pseudofiniteness. In Finiteness Matters: On finiteness related phenomena in natural languages, ed. Kristin Melum Eide: 47‑77. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
2016 Bjorkman, B., and E. Cowper. Possession and necessity: From individuals to worlds. Lingua 182: 30‑48.
2015 Cowper, E., and D. C. Hall. Reductiō ad discrīmen: Where features come from. Nordlyd 41(2): 145‑164.
2014 Cowper, E., and D. C. Hall. The features and exponence of nominal number. Lingue e Linguaggio 13(1): 63‑82.
2012 Cowper, E., and D. C. Hall. Aspects of individuation. In Count and Mass Across Languages, ed. D. Massam: 27‑53. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2009 Cowper, E., and D. C. Hall. Argumenthood, pronouns, and nominal feature Geometry. In Determiners: Variation and universals, ed. J. Ghomeshi, I. Paul, and M. Wiltschko: 97‑120. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
2005 Cowper, E. A note on number. Linguistic Inquiry. 36(3): 441‑455.
2005 Cowper, E. The geometry of interpretable features: Infl in English and Spanish. Language 81(1): 10‑46.
1999 Cowper, E. Grammatical aspect in English. The Linguistic Review, 16(3): 205‑226.
1998 Cowper, E. The simple present tense in English: A unified treatment. Studia Linguistica 52(1): 1‑18.
1997 Cowper, E. The complexities of the English simple present. Winnipeg: Voices of Rupert’s Land.
1995 Cowper, E. English participle constructions. Canadian Journal of Linguistics, 40(1): 1‑38.
1994 Cowper, E. A Concise Introduction to Syntactic Theory (Korean translation). Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Company.
1993 Cowper, E. Infinitival complements of have. Canadian Journal of Linguistics, 37(2): 115‑135.
1992 Cowper, E. A Concise Introduction to Syntactic Theory: The Government-Binding Approach. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
1992 Cowper, E., and K. Rice. The status of hu and maa in Mende. In Current Issues in African Linguistics, ed. D. Odden, vol. 4: 123‑135. Foris, Dordrecht.
1987 Cowper, E. Pied piping, feature percolation and the structure of the noun phrase. Canadian Journal of Linguistics, 32(4): 321‑338.
1987 Cowper, E., and K. Rice. Are phonosyntactic rules necessary? Phonology Yearbook 4: 185‑194.
1985 Conteh, P., E. Cowper, and K. Rice. The environment for consonant mutation in Mende. In Current Issues in African Linguistics, ed. G. Dimmendaal, vol. 3: 107‑116. Foris, Dordrecht.
1984 Cowper, E., and K. Rice. The destruction of tonal structure in Mende. In Studies in African Linguistics, ed. R. Schuh, Supplement 9: 57‑62. Department of Linguistics and African Studies Center, UCLA.
1983 Conteh, P., E. Cowper, D. James, K. Rice, and M. Szamosi. A reanalysis of tone in Mende. In Current Issues in African Linguistics, ed. J. D. Kaye and A. Dugas, vol. 2: 127‑137. Dordrecht: Foris.
1979 Cowper, E., and H. Kimura. Missing NPs in Japanese. Canadian Journal of Linguistics, 24(1): 41‑47.
1976 Kučera, H. and E. Cowper. Functional sentence perspective revisited. In Sound, Sign and Meaning: Quinquagenary of the Prague Linguistic Circle, ed. L. Matějka: 191‑230. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
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2006 Cowper, E. Review of Adjectives, number and interfaces: Why languages vary, by Denis Bouchard. Language 82(4): 884‑887.
1998 Cowper, E. Take the wide view: Review of The Architecture of the Language Faculty, by Ray Jackendoff. GLOT International, 3(8): 21‑24.
1994 Cowper, E. Review of The Chomskyan Turn, by Asa Kasher. Language Quarterly 31: 274‑281.
1982 Cowper, E. Review of Syntactic Argumentation and the Structure of English, by D.M. Perlmutter and S. Soames. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 27(1): 72‑73.
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Other Publications

2022 Bjorkman, B.M. , E. Cowper, D. C. Hall, J. Hinds, L. Koren, and D. Siddiqi. Morphological Upstaging and 'Markedness'. Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association.
2015 Bjorkman, B., and E. Cowper. Where there is, and why. Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association.
2015 Cowper, E., D. C. Hall, B. Bjorkman, R. Tollan, and N. Banerjee. There’s no future in Old English. Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association.
2014 Bjorkman, B., and E. Cowper. English modal have. Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association.
2013 Cowper, E., and D. C. Hall. English modals: Evidence for a neoparametric theory of phrase structure. Proceedings of the 2013 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association.
2013 Bjorkman, B., and E. Cowper. Inflectional shells and the syntax of causative have. Proceedings of the 2013 Annual Canadian Linguistic Association.
2013 Cowper, E., and D. C. Hall. Syntactic change and the cartography of syntactic structures. Proceedings of NELS 42.
2013 Cowper, E. The rise of featural modality in English. Proceedings of the 36th meeting of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association.
2012 Cowper, E., and D. C. Hall. Both ends against the middle: Features of Voice in English, Greek, and Hebrew. Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association.
2011 Cowper, E., and D. C. Hall. Four puzzles, one solution: The development of the passive Voice head in English. Proceedings of the 2011 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association.
2011 Cowper, E. Flavours of vGO: Auxiliaries of motion in Brazilian Portuguese. Proceedings of the 2011 Annual Canadian Linguistic Association.
2010 Cowper, E., and D. C. Hall. Structures for possession in Upper Sorbian and Czech. Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Canadian Linguistic Association.
2010 Cowper, E. Where auxiliary verbs come from. Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association.
2009 Cowper, E., and D. C. Hall. Where—and what—is number? Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association.
2008 Cowper, E., and D. C. Hall. The Hungarian conditional: non-deictic counterfactuality. Proceedings of the 2008 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association.
2007 Cowper, E., and D. C. Hall. The morphosyntactic manifestation of modality. Proceedings of the 2007 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association.
2005 Cowper, E., and D. C. Hall. The pieces of π. Proceedings of the 2004 Annual Canadian Linguistic Association.
2004Cowper, E. Why dual is less marked than plural. Proceedings of NELS 34. University of Massachusetts, Amherst. GLSA Publications.
2003 Cowper, E., and D. C. Hall. The role of register in the syntax-morphology interface. Proceedings of the 2003 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association. Montréal: Cahiers Linguistiques de l’UQAM.
2002 Cowper, E., and D. C. Hall. The syntactic manifestation of nominal feature geometry. Proceedings of the 2002 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association. Montréal: Cahiers Linguistiques de l’UQAM.
2001 Cowper, E., and D. C. Hall. Overriding the phase. Proceedings of the 2001 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association: 13‑23. Ottawa: Cahiers Linguistiques d’Ottawa.
2000 Cowper, E., and D. C. Hall. Intransitive and: Locality, movement and interpretation. Proceedings of the 2000 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association: 25‑36. Ottawa: Cahiers Linguistiques d’Ottawa.
1999 Cowper, E. Feature geometry and verbal inflection. Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics, 17: 79‑96, ed. C. Smallwood and S. Béjar.
1997 Cowper, E. Irrealis in English. Proceedings of the 1997 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association, ed. L. Blair, C. Burns, and L. Rowsell: 25‑36.
1996 Cowper, E. Sequence of tense and the binding theory. Proceedings of the 1996 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association, ed. E. Pasquini, L. Rowsell and L.C. Smith: 69‑80.
1996 Cowper, E. The features of tense in English. Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics, 14(2): 19‑39, ed. P. Koskinen.
1995 Cowper, E. A unified account of Hungarian va/ve participle constructions. Proceedings of the 1995 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association: 85‑95. Toronto: Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics.
1994 Cowper, E. Intervals and schedules: the English progressive. Proceedings of the 1994 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association, ed. P. Koskinen: 107‑118. Toronto: Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics.
1993 Cowper, E. Syntactic morphology: A third option. Proceedings of ESCOL 1992, Cornell Working Papers in Linguistics.
1993 Cowper, E. A non-unified treatment of -ing. Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics 12(1): 49‑59, ed. C. Dyck.
1993 Cowper, E. Inner tense and the realization of aspect>. McGill Working Papers in Linguistics, 7(2): 105‑112.
1992 Cowper, E. The interaction of tense and temporal adverbs in English. Cahiers de Linguistique de l’UQAM 1(1): 3‑22.
1992 Brunson, B., and E. Cowper. On the topic of have. Proceedings of the 1992 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association: 43‑52.
1991 Cowper, E. A Compositional analysis of English tense. Proceedings of the 1991 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association: 53‑64.
1990 Cowper, E. Apparent polysemy and thematic underspecification. Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics 11(2): 9‑14, ed. B. Brunson and T. Wilson.
1990 Cowper, E. Thematic underspecification and manner-of-motion verbs. Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics 11(2): 1‑8, ed. B. Brunson and T. Wilson.
1989 Cowper, E. Thematic underspecification: The case of have. Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics 10: 85‑93, ed. B. Brunson, S. Burton and T. Wilson.
1989 Cowper, E. Perfective -en is Passive -en. Proceedings of the Eighth West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, ed. E. J. Fee and K. Hunt: 85‑93.
1988 Cowper, E. Deriving inherent case: Passives in German. Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics, 9: 49‑58, ed. P. Avery.
1987 Cowper, E. What is a subject? Non-nominative subjects in Icelandic. Proceedings of NELS 18, ed. J. Blevins and J. Carter: 94‑108. Amherst, MA: GLSA.
1985 Cowper, E. Parasitic gaps, coordinate structures and the subjacency condition. Proceedings of NELS 15, ed. S. Berman, J-W. Choe and J. McDonough: 75‑86. Amherst, MA: GLSA
1984 Rice, K., and E. Cowper Consonant mutation and autosegmental morphology. CLS 20: Papers from the Twentieth Regional Meeting, ed. J. Drogo, V. Mishra and D. Testen: 309‑320. Chicago: Chicago Linguistics Society.
1979 Cowper, E. A reanalysis of topicalization in Spanish. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society, ed. E. Battistella: 239‑248. CUNYforum, City University of New York.
1979 Cowper, E. Right dislocation in Franco-Canadian. Papers from the Fifteenth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society, ed. P.R. Clyne, W.F. Hanks and C.L. Hofbauer: 70‑77. Chicago: Chicago Linguistics Society.
1976 Cowper, E. Constraints on sentence complexity: A model for syntactic processing. Ph.D. Thesis, Brown University, Providence, R.I.


2019 Bjorkman, B., E. Cowper, and D. Siddiqi. Unifying -ing without participles.
2012 Cowper, E., and D. C. Hall. The syntactic uncoupling of voice and aspect in Modern English.
2003 Cowper, E. Tense, mood and aspect: A feature-geometric approach.
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Talks and Posters Presented, other than those listed above as published

2022 A woman's auxiliaries, and how they can help. Plenary lecture, annual meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association.
2022 Person and gender in pronoun paradigms: A semantic account of a morphological pattern. Annual meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association. (with B. Bjorkman, I. Boyer, D. C. Hall, L. Koren, and D. Siddiqi) (handout)
2018 Unifying -ing without participles. GLOW 41, Budapest. (with B. Bjorkman, D. Siddiqi) (poster)
2017 Existential closure and a unified account of the English present participle. Keynote address (Cowper), Mo-MOT 2, Université du Québec à Montréal. (with B. Bjorkman, D. Siddiqi)
2017 Contrastive hierarchies and the formal representation of person. NELS 48, University of Iceland, Reykjavík. (with D. C. Hall) (poster)(handout)
2017 First-order person features and the contrastive hierarchy. Annual meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association, Ryerson University, Toronto. (with D. C. Hall) (handout)
2017 From homophony to unity. Cog Sci Colloquium (Siddiqi), Carleton University. (with B. Bjorkman, D. Siddiqi)
2017 From homophony to unity. Invited talk (Siddiqi), York University. (with B. Bjorkman, D. Siddiqi)
2016 The nature of finiteness. Annual meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association, University of Calgary.
2015 Topic have: An applicative account. 39th meeting of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association. Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s.
2015 There then and now. Workshop on Parameters in Historical Syntax, SLE, Leiden. (with B. Bjorkman, D. C. Hall, R. Tollan, and N. Banerjee) (handout)
2015 Illusions of Transitive Expletives in Middle English. International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Naples. (with B. Bjorkman, D. C. Hall, R. Tollan, and N. Banerjee) (handout)
2015 Investigating the past of the futurate present. DiGS 17, University of Iceland. (with D. C. Hall, B. Bjorkman, R. Tollan, and N. Banerjee) (handout)
2014 Morphosyntactic features and the scope of contrast. 38th meeting of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association. University of New Brunswick, Fredericton. (with D. C. Hall) (handout)
2014 The contrastive hierarchy in morphosyntax: Some preliminary ideas. Dog Days Workshop, University of Toronto.
2014 More about have: This talk might have a new analysis in it. University of Toronto Syntax-Semantics group.
2013 What’s universal about features. Dog Days of Summer workshop, Toronto. (With D. C. Hall)
2013 A neoparametric approach to variation and change in English modals. GLOW workshop on syntactic variation and change, Lund University. (With D. C. Hall) (handout)
2011 From Aspect to Voice: The descent of the passive light verb in English. Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference (DiGS13), University of Pennsylvania. With (D. C. Hall) (poster)
2010 Auxiliary verb insertion. University of Toronto Syntax Group.
2008 Tea, Eels, Furniture and Cattle. Bilingual Workshop on Theoretical Linguistics, Ottawa. (With D. C. Hall) (handout)
2006 Asymmetries in Cantonese glides: where is the OCP evaluated?. Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto Workshop on Phonology, Toronto. (With M. Barrie and D. C. Hall)
2005 The formal features of number and what they might mean. University of Toronto Syntax Project.
2004 Markedness in morphosyntactic feature geometries. Phi Workshop, McGill University.
2003 Formal properties of feature geometry. University of Toronto Syntax Project.
2003 Simplex and complex progressives in English and Spanish. Midwinter Workshop on Complex Predicates, University of Toronto.
2003 Parameters if INFL: English aspect and Spanish tense. University of Toronto Syntax Project.
2002 Aspects of finiteness. University of Toronto Syntax Project.
2002 Nominal features and their organization in English. University of Toronto Syntax Project. (with D. C. Hall)
2001 The scope of conjunction. UNC Spring Linguistics Colloquium, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. (with D. C. Hall)
1999 Semantic composition and syntactic structure: English inflection. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association, University of Sherbrooke. (with D. C. Hall)(handout)
1998 Feature geometry meets formal semantics: Synergy or train wreck? University of Toronto Syntax Project.
1998 The wonders of -ing. Third Annual Workshop on Multiple Frameworks in Linguistics, University of Toronto.
1996 The limits of grammatical meaning: The case of English tense. University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
1996 The complexities of the English simple present. Inaugural Margaret Stobie Lecture, University of Manitoba.
1995 Features of tense. Keynote address, Eastern States Conference on Linguistics, Dartmouth College.
1993 Approaches to lexical semantics. University of Calgary.
1993 Motivating functional categories. University of Calgary.
1991 Universal grammar and the human language faculty. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
1991 Perfect and passive -en in a compositional theory of tense. Cornell University.
1991 A lexical semantics of tense. Cornell University.
1990 Tense and aspect in English: A compositional approach. Université du Québec à Montréal.
1988 Comments on Kihm & Gomes: The Structure of INFL in Manjaku. Workshop on Niger-Congo Syntax, MIT.
1987 The phonology of Mende alienable possession. XVIII Annual Conference on African Linguistics. (with K Rice)
1987 Parameters in case assignment. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association (with L. Scholten and K. Smith)
1986 The phonological nature of Mende consonant mutation. XVII Annual Conference on African Linguistics. (with K. Rice)
1985 COMP and control theory. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association.
1985 Phonology and reduplication. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association. (with K. Rice)
1984 Re: Reduplication again. SUNY Buffalo. (with K. Rice)
1984 Branching chains: A problem for syntactic processing. Cognitive Science Seminar Series, McLuhan Programme in Culture and Technology, University of Toronto.
1984 Some problems in Mende word formation. Toronto Linguistics Atelier. (with K. Rice)
1984 Word formation outside the lexicon. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association. (with K Rice)
1983 The interaction of mutation and reduplication in Mende. Toronto Linguistics Atelier. (with K Rice)
1981 Right node raising, symmetric predicates and semantic interpretation. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association.
1981 Conjoined structure in English. Toronto Working Group on Language Universals.
1981 Problems in English phrase structure. Toronto Linguistics Atelier.
1980 Subcategorization in English complement sentences. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association.
1980 S is not a projection of V: Evidence from subcategorization. Colloquium on Formal Syntax, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
1980 Tense and the INFL morpheme in English. Toronto Linguistics Atelier.
1978 A constraint on comparative deletion. Toronto Linguistics Atelier.
1977 Explanatory adequacy and universal constraints on rule applicability. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association.
1977 Take four hours, a misfit predicate. Toronto Linguistics Atelier.
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Courses taught

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Graduate Supervision (primary supervisions only)

2024 Emilia Melara. Missing Subjects in Mauritian Creole: pro or Voice? Ph.D.
2021 Alexandra Motut. Remote Agree: Agreeing into the workspace and a case study in control. Ph.D.
2019 Daniel A. Milway. Explaining the resultative parameter. Ph.D.
2016 Keffyalew Gebregziabher. SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow. (2014-2016)
2015 Bronwyn Bjorkman. Banting Postdoctoral Fellow. (2013-2015)
Shayna Gardiner. The syntax of possession in Old and Middle Egyptian. Generals Paper.
Daniel Milway. Directionalized locatives: A label-theoretic account. Generals Paper.
Yining Nie. French morphology and the pieces of inflection. M.A.
2014 Radu Craioveanu. Levels of Aspect in Finnish and Estonian. Generals Paper.
Emilia Melara. Embedded Tense and P(ersonal) Deixis. M.A.
2013 Bronwyn Bjorkman. SSHRC Postdoctoral fellow. (2012-2013)
Sarah Clarke. Aspectual scope and contrast in Engish and Japanese. Ph.D.
Jada Fung. A classifier analysis of Cantonese nominal modification: The case of the particle ge. M.A.
2012 Kenji Oda. Issues in the left periphery of modern Irish. Ph.D.
Tomohiro Yokoyama. On the existence of small clauses in Japanese. M.A.
2011 Tanya Slavin. The syntax and semantics of stem composition in Ojicree. Ph.D.
Maria Kyriakaki. DETs in the functional syntax of Greek nominals. Ph.D.
Derek Denis. Expletives and the EPP in Scandinavian. Generals paper.
2010 Eric Smith. Query-based annotation and the Sumerian verbal prefixes. Ph.D. (with G. Hirst)
Will Oxford. Same, different and other: The microsyntax of identity adjectives. Generals paper.
Elizabeth Erhardt. The syntax of Classical Japanese bound particles. M.A.
2009 Maria Kyriakaki. The antipassive of Ojibwe and its phenomenal objects. Generals Paper.
Alexandra Motut. Merge over move and the empirical force of economy in minimalism. M.A.
2008 Rashid Al-Balushi. Bare nouns in Arabic. Generals Paper. (with M. Ippolito)
Vanessa Crandall. The Morphosyntax of Choctaw verbal agreement. M.A.
2006 Michael Barrie. Dynamic Antisymmetry and the Syntax of Noun Incorporation. Ph.D.
Benjamin Flight. Constraining Distributed Morphology. M.A. (with B. E. Dresher)
Maria Kyriakaki. Features of Tense in Modern Greek. M.A.
Eric Smith. A unified account of Elamite Class-Markers. Generals Paper.
Paul Arsenault. Marking the Unmarked: the geometry of exceptional syncretisms. Generals Paper.
2005 Magdalena Goledzinowska. Basic Thematic Relations. Generals Paper.
Mohammad Haji Abdolhosseini. Modularity and soft constraints: a theory of conflict resolution in grammar. Ph.D.
Marina Sherkina Lieber. Where does aspect in Russian come from? Generals Paper.
Sarah Clarke. A Syntactic Account of Japanese Stative Potentials. M.A.
David Newton. Noun class, gender and phi in Swahili and other Bantu languages. M.A.
2004 Kenji Oda. V1 and wh-questions: a typology. Generals Paper.
Jessica Taylor. Irish Agreement in Distributed Morphology. M.A.
Eugenia Suh. Scrambling in Korean. M.A.
Chiara Frigeni. Deconstructing Passives in Italian Generals Paper.
2003 Milan Rezac: An E-Type analysis of variables in Weak Islands. Generals Paper.
Mohammad Haji Abdolhosseini. A Constraint-Based Approach to Prosody in Natural Language Generation. Generals Paper.
2002 Jonathon Herd. Deriving the Maori Clause: a Predicate-Fronting Analysis. M.A.
Kenji Oda. WH-Questions in V-initial languages. M.A.
2001 Daniel Currie Hall. The Featural Semantics of English Modal Verbs. Generals Paper.
2000 Kristen Phan. Observations on Partitivity in Standard Italian: the syntax and semantics of the Italian clitic ne M.A.
Susana Béjar. Agreement in Georgian. Generals Paper.
1999 Elaine Gold: Aspect, Tense and the Lexicon: Expression of Time in Yiddish. PhD.
Suzanne Bélanger: Verb Phrase Ellipsis and Parasitic Linking. MA.
1998 Päivi Koskinen: Features and Categories: Non-Finite Constructions in Finnish. PhD.
Carolyn Smallwood. Agreement with Postverbal Subjects and the EPP. Generals Paper.
1997 Julie Legate. Irish Predication: a Minimalist Analysis. MA.
1996 Jun Mo Cho Coordinate Structures in Korean. Generals Paper.
Jana Kotalík: A Government-Binding Analysis of Theme and Rheme in Czech. MA.
1995 Regine Moorcroft. Clause-Level Functional Categories in Germanic V2 Languages. PhD.
Vincent DeCaen. On the Placement and Interpretation of the Verb in Standard Biblical Hebrew Prose. PhD. (with J. Revell)
Zhang Ning. Syntactic Focussing in Mandarin Chinese. Generals Paper.
1994 Elaine Gold. Head Adjunction and Movement: Evidence from Yiddish. Generals Paper.
Peter Birt. On The Nature of WH-Movement at Logical Form. MA.
Janet Rowe. English Modals and the Functional-Lexical Distinction. Generals Paper. (with D. Massam)
1993 Martha McGinnis. The Deontic/Epistemic Distinction in English Modals: A Compositional Analysis M.A.
1992 Barbara Brunson. Thematic Discontinuity. PhD.
Janet Shawyer(Rowe). On the Use of Targets in Speech Error Research. M.A. (with R. Smyth)
1990 Jila Ghomeshi. The Semantics of the Auxiliary Verb fela in Bengali. M.A.
1988 Strang C. Burton. “Some Lexical and Thematic Relations in Halkomelem Salish.” M.A.
1987 John Davison. Halkomelem Syntax. M.A.
Deborah Lillis. A V'' Analysis of Haitian Creole: Effects on Casemarking and A'-chains. M.A.
Henrietta Hung. Lexical and Functional Categories in Bahasa Malaysia. M.A.
1986 Lisa Lai Shen Cheng. Clause Structures in Mandarin. M.A.
Barbara Brunson. A Government-Binding Parser for Warlpiri and its Implications for Syntactic Theory. M.A. (with G. Hirst)
1984 David Beattie. The Environment of Chinese Tone Sandhi. M.A. (with K. Rice)
1982 Karen McIntosh. Learnability. M.A. (with J. K. Chambers)
1981 M.E. O’Neail. Subjective and Objective Pronouns in Oneida. M.A.
1980 Diane Massam. Time Reference Interpretation in Complex Sentences. M.A.
1979 Joseph Dion. The Functional Unity of the Chinese Particle de. M.A.
Hiroko Kimura. Noun Phrase Deletion and Pronominalization in Japanese. M.A.
Leslie Saxon. Dogrib Questions and Topicalization. M.A.
1978 Guy Ewing. Developmental Grammar: A Preliminary Study. M.A. (with C. A. Yorio)
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